Do I need to go for Degree?

Posted on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 10:45 PM

Do I really need to study for Degree? Do I really need to waste so much money and waste so much time to study for Degree? Do I really need the Degree Cert? Does the Degree cert is Importance? My answer is NO!

After I graduated from Diploma program, I have learned how to google search for the teaching materials. I found that all the teaching materials that the college used to teach me are available on the Internet and I can grab all of them from the Internet for free of charge! I regret that I have waste my so much time and money on the college. If I grab the teaching materials from Internet and learn them myself, I can shorten the learning time to 60% and I can save the money for 100% that I have wasted on studying in college.

The Internet has so many teaching materials that I'm interested to learn, I can just pick some of them to learn and it is free of charge!

Regarding Degree Certificate, I don't even care of it, since I can use my experiences, skills and knowledge to get a job rather than use the Degree Certificate to get a job. The boss is clever, he might think "you got the cert but your works seem not to be as good as what he has although he doesn't has a cert, I want the productivity, and he can help me increase my productivity for sure, but you? Mystery...."

In conclusion, I very sure that I don't need and won't go for Degree!


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